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Xpro India Ltd. NSE: XPROINDIA | BSE:590013

₹1085.6 (%) 1D

Plastic Products

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Market Cap

Price to Earnings

Price to Book Value

Dividend Yield

Op Revenue TTM

Net Profit TTM

Cash From Operating Activity

Return on Equity %




The latest market price of Xpro India Ltd. on NSE was Rs. {STOCKCURRENTPRICE} as of today.

The opening share price of Xpro India Ltd. was Rs. {STOCKOPENPRICE} as of today.

The 52-week high share price of Xpro India Ltd. was Rs. {STOCK52WEEKHIGH}.

The 52 week low share price of Xpro India Ltd. was Rs. {STOCK52WEEKLOW}.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please refer to Stock Ants, Bigul’s Community Access platform that aggregates tips and research from experts and provides real-time tracking to help investors validate, discover new investment ideas, and make informed decisions. Click here to learn more.

Please refer to Stock Ants, Bigul’s Community Access platform that aggregates tips and research from experts and provides real-time tracking to help investors validate, discover new investment ideas, and make informed decisions. Click here to learn more.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please find Corporate actions section for more details.

Please refer to Bigul Traders Corner, One Stop destination for different algo and non-algo trading strategies and tools meant for investors, traders, and strategists. Our qualified experts with rich experience in broking, financial analysis, and software development designed it in-house. Click here to learn more.

Please refer to JARVIS, which is Bigul’s AI Portfolio Manager Tool that uses artificial intelligence algorithms to make investment decisions in a portfolio. Click here to learn more.

Please refer to the News section for the latest news about Xpro India Ltd..


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