Facility for clients to view their status of KYC

Pursuant to SEBI Circular on KRA Regulations, KYC Registration Agencies (KRA) are responsible for validating clients’ KYC details as per their records before September 2, 2023. If the details are not updated and validated, the Trading and Demat of Clients shall be blocked for such accounts. In view of this, the following steps are to be followed by Investor/Client to Know his/her KYC status as well as to get it validated:-

Step 1:

Firstly, you need to know your KYC status through web link https://www.cvlkra.com/ , and, thereafter enter your PAN & enter captcha. Screen shot is given below to understand the process: -

facility for clients view kyc
Step 2:

Now let's understand different KYC status & process to get it validated:

Status Definition Next Steps for you
Validated KYC based on Aadhaar with validated mobile and email. No next steps. Validated status means that you can transact.
Registered KYC based on Non-Aadhaar OVD with validated mobile and email. Contact your nearest/ respective branch for Re-kyc.
On hold/Rejected KYC based on non-OVD or invalid contact details.

A. If your Kra status is hold due to email / mobile validation , please click on below link for kra validation: -

1. CVL KRA: Click here

2. KARVY KRA: Click here

3. NDML KRA: Click here

4. DOTEX KRA: Click here

5. CAMS KRA: Click here

B.If kra is hold/ rejected due to some other reason , please submit discrepant document / rekyc to your respective branch

Under Process This status shows up if the KYC is recently updated and under processing at KRAs. If your KYC status is ‘Under Process’ you have to wait for 2 days. You may follow above process as per your Kra status after 2 days.

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