ASIAN PAINTS LTD. - 500820 - Intimation Of Receipt Of Request For Reclassification Of An Entity Forming Part Of The 'Promoter(S) Group' Category Of The Company To The 'Public' Category
This is to inform you that the Company has today i.e., 14th October 2024, received a written request from Vijal Holding and Trading Company Private Limited (Vijal Holding), an entity forming part of the Promoter(s) Group of the Company, seeking reclassification from the ''Promoter(s) Group'' category to the ''Public'' category along with justification thereof and confirmation of facts in terms of Regulation 31A of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015. It may be noted that Vijal Holding does not hold any shares in the Company. The said request is pursuant to the divestment of the entire stake by the members of the Promoter(s) Group of the Company in Vijal Holding in favour of persons not forming part of or related to the Promoter(s) & Promoter(s) Group of the Company. The Company will make necessary disclosures on the material developments in this regard.14-10-2024