Understanding Options Trading Strategies: Long Call Butterfly

  • 24-Jul-2023
  • 2 mins read
Long Call Butterfly Strategies

Understanding Options Trading Strategies: Long Call Butterfly

Options trading is a dynamic and versatile investment approach that allows traders to take advantage of market movements and generate potential profits. Among the various strategies available, the long-call butterfly stands out as a unique and intriguing option.

This strategy combines the purchase and sale of call options to create a position that benefits from limited risk and potential reward. Understanding the intricacies of the long-call butterfly strategy is essential for traders looking to diversify their options trading portfolio and capitalize on specific market conditions.

Let us discuss the details of the long-call butterfly strategy, its components, benefits and risks.

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What is a Long Call Butterfly?

Long call butterflies include:

  • Buying one-call option with a lower strike price.
  • Selling two call options with a middle strike price.
  • Buying one with a higher strike price.

This approach is utilised when the trader anticipates the underlying asset to be stable and within a price range.

It offers limited risk and potential profit, with the maximum profit achieved when the underlying asset’s price is at the middle strike price at expiration.

Components of the Strategy

The Long Call Butterfly is a complicated options strategy that buys and sells call options with varied strike prices to maximize profit with minimal risk. It has these components:

  • In-the-Money Call: The approach begins with buying a call option with a strike price below the asset’s market price. It usually has a greater premium.
  • At-the-Money Call: The second step is to sell two call options with a strike price close to the underlying asset’s market price. These options have lower premiums than bought call options.
  • Out-of-the-Money Call: The approach concludes by buying a call option with a strike price above the asset’s market price. This option usually has cheaper premiums.

Call options should have similar strike pricing. For example, If the intermediate strike price is Rs 50, the lower strike price might be Rs 45, and the higher strike price might be Rs 55. Risk-reward profile determines strike distance.

The objective of the Long Call Butterfly is to profit from a narrow range of the underlying asset’s price movement. The strategy benefits from the underlying asset’s price remaining close to the middle strike price at expiration, resulting in the sold options expiring worthless and the bought options increasing in value.

Benefits of Long Call Butterfly

The long-call butterfly strategy offers several benefits to options traders. Some key advantages are as follows:

  • Limited Risk: The long-call butterfly approach limits the risk to the initial position cost. This gives traders more control over their losses. Traders can make better decisions and minimise risk by understanding the maximum loss. This technique attracts traders who wish to limit their downside while still making money.
  • Potential for Profit in a Range-Bound Market: The long-call butterfly strategy is advantageous in a range-bound market because it allows traders to profit if the underlying asset stays within a specific price range. By utilising the strategy, traders can benefit from limited volatility and avoid the risk associated with large price swings. This makes it suitable for situations where the trader anticipates a period of stability or expects the underlying asset to trade within a defined range, increasing the potential for profitability.
  • Cost Efficiency: The long-call butterfly strategy can be cost-efficient compared to other complex options strategies. By selling two call options with a middle strike price, the premium received helps offset the cost of buying the lower and higher strike call options. This reduces the initial investment required to establish the position, making it a potentially attractive choice for traders looking for cost-effective options strategies.
  • Flexible Adjustments: A long-call butterfly strategy provides traders with the flexibility to adjust their positions based on changing market conditions. Traders can modify the strategy by adjusting the middle strike price options, changing the number of contracts, or even converting the position into a different strategy.  This adaptability allows traders to react to market movements and make necessary adjustments to optimize their position and potential profitability.
  • Risk/Reward Ratio: A long-call butterfly strategy offers a favourable risk/reward ratio. The potential profit is maximized when the underlying asset’s price is at the middle strike price at expiration.  This means that the potential profit is greater than the maximum loss in the strategy.

Traders who are comfortable with limited risk and are seeking a strategy with a higher potential reward relative to the risk taken may find the long call butterfly appealing.

Risks of the Long Call Butterfly Strategy

The long-call butterfly technique has benefits, but it’s crucial to understand the risks. Risks of this method include:

  • Limited Profit Potential:Long-call butterfly profits are limited. At expiration, the intermediate strike price yields the most profit. If the price rises over the intermediate strike price, profit potential decreases.
  • Potential Losses:The approach can lose if the underlying asset price swings outside the strike prices. If the market swings against the position, the maximum loss is usually the cost of establishing the position, but it can still be large.
  • Time Decay:Options are subject to time decay, meaning their value decreases as they approach expiration. In the long call butterfly strategy, the trader is buying and selling multiple options, and the effects of time decay can impact the profitability of the position, especially if the price remains within the expected range for an extended period.
  • Volatility Risk:Volatility affects strategy profitability. Volatility can enhance or decrease option value. Traders must examine the strategy’s impact on the underlying asset’s volatility.
  • Market Direction Risk: The long call butterfly strategy is most profitable in a range-bound market where the underlying asset’s price stays within a specific range. If the market exhibits a strong directional trend, either bullish or bearish, the strategy may result in losses or missed profit opportunities.

Traders should thoroughly evaluate these risks, assess their risk tolerance, and consider implementing risk management techniques, such as stop-loss orders or adjusting the position if market conditions change.


The long-call butterfly strategy is a versatile options trading strategy that offers unique benefits and risks. By understanding the construction and mechanics of this strategy, traders can effectively navigate neutral market conditions while limiting potential losses.

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