India’s Finance Bill Removes Tax Benefits for Debt Mutual Funds

  • 27-Mar-2023
  • 2 mins read


The recent amendments to India’s Finance Bill have brought significant changes to the taxation of debt mutual funds. These changes have eliminated long-term capital gains tax and indexation benefits, bringing debt mutual funds on par with bank fixed deposits in taxation. The amendments are set to become effective from April 1, 2023, and investors have until March 31, 2023, to take advantage of the indexation benefit.

Amendments to the Finance Bill remove long-term capital gains and indexation benefits for debt mutual funds

The Finance Bill recently passed by the Lok Sabha includes 64 amendments, many of which have removed tax benefits for debt mutual funds. Capital gains from debt funds, exchange-traded funds, and certain categories of hybrid funds will now be taxable regardless of maturity or holding period, with gains taxed according to the investor’s income tax slab. This move eliminates long-term capital gains tax benefits and indexation benefits for investors.

Debt mutual funds are to be taxed at income tax slab level, with no more advantage over bank fixed deposits

Under the latest rules, debt mutual funds with no more than 35% equity share investments will be taxed at the investor’s income tax slab level without the benefit of indexation for long-term capital gains. This change will remove the tax advantage debt mutual funds had over bank fixed deposits, which will be taxed similarly.

Indexation helps lower tax liability for debt mutual fund investors

Investors in debt mutual funds have until March 31, 2023, to take advantage of the indexation benefit, which adjusts the acquisition cost upwards to account for inflation, resulting in a lower taxable gain and a lower tax liability.

Changes made to bring bank fixed deposits on par with debt mutual funds

Experts suggest that the changes have been made to bring bank fixed deposits on par with debt mutual funds regarding tax treatment. Debt fund investors have a tax advantage over those who invest in fixed deposits.

The changes to the Finance Bill will have a significant impact on the investment landscape in India. Debt mutual funds were previously seen as a more attractive investment option due to their tax advantages over bank fixed deposits. With these tax benefits eliminated, investors may need to reconsider their investment strategies and explore other options.

However, it is worth noting that debt mutual funds still have certain advantages over bank fixed deposits. For example, they offer the potential for higher returns, greater liquidity, and risk diversification. Additionally, debt mutual funds can be easily bought and sold, making them a more flexible investment option.

Investors who are considering debt mutual funds should carefully evaluate the various funds available and the associated risks. They should also remember that debt mutual funds depend on market fluctuations and do not guarantee returns. In addition, investors should consult with a financial advisor to ensure that their investment strategy aligns with their financial goals and risk tolerance.

In conclusion, the changes to India’s Finance Bill have eliminated tax advantages for debt mutual funds, bringing them on par with bank fixed deposits. While this may require investors to reevaluate their investment strategies, it is important to remember that debt mutual funds still have certain advantages. As with any investment decision, investors should carefully consider their options and consult a financial advisor to make informed decisions.


The changes to India’s Finance Bill have been made to remove the tax advantage that debt mutual funds had over bank fixed deposits, bringing parity to the two investment options. While removing long-term capital gains tax benefits and indexation benefits for debt mutual funds may be disappointing for investors, the option to invest until March 31, 2023, and take advantage of the indexation benefit provides a small window of opportunity. As with any investment decision, investors should carefully consider their options and consult a financial advisor to make informed decisions.


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