Portfolio Evaluator
Portfolio Evaluator is a comprehensive tool that gives a score to your portfolio based on technical & fundamental analysis. It is a tool or methodology used to assess the performance and risk of an investment portfolio. To evaluate a portfolio, an investor can use several metrics such as returns, risk, diversification, asset allocation, benchmark comparison, tax efficiency, and cost.
LoginWhat are we Offering?
Market Analysis and Recommendations:
We offering you detailed market analysis and makes informed recommendations to help you make better investment decisions.
Adapts to Your Unique Risk Tolerance and Goals:
Offering you personalised strategies based on your individual risk preferences and financial goals.
Ease Portfolio Management:
The tool simplifies the process of managing your investment decisions, making it easier and more convenient.
Automatic Rebalancing:
The tool automatically adjusts the composition of your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation.
Data-Driven Decisions:
Investment decisions are based on comprehensive data analysis, ensuring accuracy and reliability.
Enhanced Efficiency:
The tool improves the efficiency of managing your portfolio, saving you time and effort.
Personalised Strategies:
It offers customised investment strategies tailored to your specific financial situation and goals.
Quantiply boasts several advanced features that enhance trading efficiency and performance:
AI-Driven Analysis:
We provide a powerful algorithmic Artificial intelligence driven tool which learns on a constant basis with machine learning algos, which give you deep insights and informed decisions about/for your portfolio. -
Real-Time Monitoring:
With Bigul portfolio evaluator, Continuously track market position & trends and adjust allocations based on current conditions. Ensure optimal performance of your portfolio with Bigul portfolio evalutor. -
Personalised Strategies:
Experience the power of personalised investment strategies. Our approach considers your unique risk tolerance, financial goals, and preferences, ensuring your portfolio aligns with your individual needs. -
Automatic Rebalancing:
Our powerful Artificial Intelligence manages and provides auto rebalancing and adjustments to your portfolio as needed in the meantime based on your various affecting factors. -
Data-Driven Decisions:
Get the benefit of vast amounts of financial data on our platform to make your strategic choices and adjustments for your portfolio. -
Enhanced Efficiency:
: Optimise your investment strategy with automated management, streamlining processes and saving valuable time and effort. This enhanced efficiency ensures a well-managed portfolio, allowing you to focus on your financial goals with confidence and ease. -
User-Friendly Interface:
Experience an intuitive platform designed for all investors with ease. Our user-friendly interface ensures a seamless navigation experience, catering to individuals of varying experience levels with simplicity and accessibility.
Bigul Integration

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