What is Long Term Planning (LTP) in Share Market?

  • 23-Sep-2023
  • 2 mins read

Investing time to learn stock market words can be super useful. It helps you get the hang of trading and investing, like building a strong base for your stock market adventure.

One tricky term is LTP, and many folks mix it up with the closing price. But they’re different!

This article defines LTP, its form, and why it’s significant in the stock market. If you want to crack this stock market code, read on!

What is LTP in the Share Market?

Long-Term Planning (LTP) in the share market refers to a strategic investment approach where investors make decisions with a focus on extended time horizons, typically spanning several years or even decades.

It involves carefully selecting and holding onto securities with the expectation of capital appreciation over the long run. It is often guided by fundamental analysis, portfolio diversification, and the compounding of returns.

LTP aims to minimize the impact of short-term market fluctuations and is geared towards achieving financial goals and wealth accumulation over an extended period.

Importance of LTP in Share Market

Long-Term Planning holds significant importance in the share market for several compelling reasons:

1. Wealth Accumulation

LTP is pivotal in the share market because it capitalizes on the compounding effect. Over extended periods, investments generate returns on both the initial principal and accumulated gains. This compounding phenomenon can significantly grow wealth over time. It allows investors to benefit from exponential growth.

LTP’s emphasis on patience and a longer time horizon maximizes the potential for substantial wealth accumulation, making it a potent strategy for achieving long-term financial objectives.

2. Risk Mitigation

Long-Term Planning helps in making your money safer in the stock market. By adopting a long-term perspective, investors can withstand the short-term market ups and downs without panicking. This reduces the chances of making hasty, emotion-driven decisions that can result in losses.

LTP’s focus on holding investments over extended periods helps investors stay resilient in the face of market volatility, ultimately leading to more stable and potentially profitable outcomes.

3. Capitalizing on Fundamentals

This approach involves evaluating a company’s financial health, including factors like revenue, earnings, and management quality.

By choosing investments based on strong fundamentals, LTP investors can align their portfolios with businesses poised for sustainable growth.

This fundamental focus boosts the potential for long-term capital appreciation and financial success.

4. Lower Transaction Costs

When you buy and sell stocks frequently, it can cost you money in fees each time. These fees are known as transaction costs.

Short-term strategies often involve frequent buying and selling of securities, incurring higher brokerage fees, and taxes.

In contrast, LTP minimizes these expenses, allowing investors to keep more of their investment capital intact. This cost savings can contribute to higher overall returns and is particularly advantageous when considering the long-term growth of an investment portfolio.

5. Tax Efficiency

When investors hold assets for an extended period, Governments typically give tax advantages to them by lowering capital gains tax rates.

This means that the profits generated from selling investments after holding them for a specified duration are subject to lower tax rates. This resulted in higher after-tax returns and improved overall investment performance.

6. Time to Ride Out Market Cycles

LTP provides the necessary time horizon to endure both bear and bull markets. During bear markets, when stock prices decline, LTP investors can hold their positions without panicking, as they anticipate a recovery.

Conversely, in bull markets, LTP investors can capture gains as stocks rise. This approach minimizes impulsive reactions to market fluctuations and maximizes overall returns by leveraging time as an ally.

Key Principles of LTP

The main key principles of Long-Term Planning in the share market are as follows:

  • Fundamental Analysis: Investors should analyze the fundamental aspects of companies, including financial health, management quality, industry trends, and competitive positioning, to identify stocks with strong long-term growth potential.
  • Diversification: Spreading investments across different asset classes, sectors, and geographic regions helps reduce risk and provides a buffer against individual stock or sector underperformance.
  • Patience: LTP involves holding onto investments for extended periods, even during market fluctuations. Patience allows investors to ride out market volatility and benefit from compounding returns.
  • Regular Review: Periodically assess and rebalance your portfolio to ensure it aligns with your long-term financial goals. This may involve selling over performing assets or buying underperforming ones to maintain your desired asset allocation.
  • Risk Management: Consider your risk tolerance and incorporate risk management strategies into your LTP, such as setting stop-loss orders or using asset allocation to balance risk and return.
  • Tax Efficiency: Consider tax implications and employ tax-efficient strategies like holding investments for the long term to minimize capital gains taxes.

These principles help investors construct and manage a well-structured long-term share market portfolio.

How to Build a Long-Term Portfolio

Building a Long-Term Portfolio involves careful planning and strategy. Here is how you can do it:

  • Define your financial goals and investment timeline.
  • Diversify across various asset classes (stocks, bonds, real estate, etc.) based on risk tolerance and goals.
  • Choose high-quality, well-researched investments.
  • Consistently add to your portfolio over time, benefiting from dollar-cost averaging.
  • Adjust allocations to maintain your desired risk-return profile.
  • Keep up with market trends but avoid knee-jerk reactions to short-term fluctuations.
  • Understand that wealth-building takes time; resist the urge to constantly trade.


Understanding LTP in the stock market is essential for achieving financial success. LTP involves making smart, patient investment choices with a focus on the long haul, instead of being swayed by short-term ups and downs.

By embracing fundamental analysis, diversification, and patience, investors can build a strong foundation for their financial future. So, remember, when it comes to the stock market, think long-term for steady and sustainable growth.


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