Difference Between Preferred Stocks and Common Stocks

  • 28-Sep-2023
  • 2 mins read

Preferred stocks and common stocks are two distinct types of investments in the world of finance. While both represent ownership in a company, they have important differences. Common stocks are like owning a piece of the company and give you voting rights at shareholder meetings.

However, preferred stocks are more like a hybrid between stocks and bonds. They offer a fixed dividend, but holders usually don’t get voting rights. Investors must understand these differences since they affect income, risk tolerance, and strategy.

To make smart investments, let’s compare preferred and common stocks.

What are Common Stocks?

Common stocks represent ownership in a corporation and confer voting rights at shareholder meetings. Shareholders have a claim on the company’s assets and earnings. They may receive dividends, but these are not guaranteed and can vary.

Common stocks offer the potential for capital appreciation but come with higher risk due to market fluctuations. Shareholders may influence company decisions through voting but have lower priority than preferred stockholders in receiving dividends or company assets in case of liquidation.

Common stocks are popular with long-term investors who can handle market volatility.

Pros of Investing in Common Stocks

Common stock investing has many benefits. Some advantages of investing in common stocks:

  • Potential for High Returns: Common stocks have the potential for substantial capital appreciation. This offers the possibility of high returns on investment over time.
  • Liquidity: Common stocks are highly liquid. This allows investors to buy or sell shares on the stock market and access funds when needed.
  • Ownership and Voting Rights: Common stockholders own corporations and can vote in shareholder meetings, influencing corporate governance.
  • Dividend Income: Some common stocks pay dividends. This provides a source of regular income for investors, making them attractive for income-oriented portfolios.
  • Diversification: Investing in common stocks allows for portfolio diversification, spreading risk across various industries and companies, which can help mitigate the impact of poor performance in any one stock.

Cons of Investing in Common Stocks

Given below are some major cons of investing in common stocks:

  • Market Volatility: Common stocks are susceptible to market fluctuations, making them more volatile compared to other investments. Prices can rapidly rise or fall, leading to potential losses.
  • No Guaranteed Dividends: While some common stocks pay dividends, they are not guaranteed. Companies can reduce or eliminate dividends in challenging times or if profits decline.
  • Limited Dividend Priority: In case of liquidation, common stockholders have lower priority than bondholders and preferred stockholders for receiving company assets.
  • Voting Rights May Not Matter: While common stockholders have voting rights, individual investors often have little influence on company decisions due to large institutional ownership.
  • Risk of Company Performance: The success of common stock investments is tied to the performance of the underlying company. Poor management, economic downturns, or industry-specific challenges can negatively impact stock values.

What are Preferred Stocks?

Preferred stocks are a type of investment representing ownership in a corporation, similar to common stocks. However, preferred stockholders usually have no voting rights in company decisions.

What sets preferred stocks apart is their priority in receiving dividends over common shareholders. These dividends are often fixed or adjustable and paid before common shareholders receive any distributions.

In the event of a company’s liquidation, preferred stockholders have a higher claim on assets than common stockholders, providing some degree of security.

Preferred stocks are favored by income-focused investors seeking a steady income stream and less exposure to market volatility.

Pros of Investing in Preferred Stocks

Investing in preferred stocks has its own set of pros:

  • Stable Income: Preferred stockholders typically receive consistent, fixed, or adjustable dividends, making them a reliable source of income.
  • Priority in Dividends: Preferred stockholders are paid dividends before common stockholders, providing a degree of safety and predictability in income.
  • Lower Volatility: Preferred stocks are generally less volatile than common stocks, making them suitable for risk-averse investors.
  • Priority in Liquidation: In the event of company liquidation, preferred stockholders have higher priority in receiving their investment back compared to common stockholders.
  • No Voting Rights: Preferred stockholders usually don’t have voting rights, reducing exposure to corporate governance issues and decisions.

Cons of Investing in Preferred Stocks

Investing in preferred stocks has its advantages, such as consistent income and lower volatility, but there are also some notable drawbacks, or cons, to be aware of:

  • Limited Capital Appreciation: Preferred stocks offer limited potential for capital appreciation compared to common stocks.
  • Interest Rate Sensitivity: Prices of preferred stocks can be sensitive to changes in interest rates, potentially affecting their market value.
  • No Voting Rights: Preferred stockholders typically lack voting rights in company decisions.
  • Call Risk: Some preferred stocks are callable, meaning issuers can redeem them early, potentially disrupting income for investors.
  • Lower Dividend Potential: In favorable conditions, common stockholders may receive higher dividends than preferred stockholders with fixed rates.

Key Differences Between Preferred Stocks and Common Stocks

Preferred stocks offer fixed or adjustable dividends with priority over common stocks, which have variable dividends. Preferred stockholders lack voting rights, while common stockholders often have them.

Common stocks have higher potential for capital appreciation but come with greater risk and volatility compared to preferred stocks, which offer more stability. In the event of liquidation, preferred stockholders are ahead in receiving company assets.

Investors should consider their risk tolerance, income needs, and investment goals when choosing between preferred and common stocks. Now let’s summarize it with a table. This table provides a concise overview of the primary distinctions between preferred and common stocks.

Aspect Preferred Stocks Common Stocks
Ownership Shareholders have ownership but usually no voting rights. Shareholders have ownership and typically have voting rights.
Dividend Payments Fixed or adjustable dividends, with priority over common stock dividends. Dividends are variable, not guaranteed, and often lower in priority than preferred stock dividends.
Capital Appreciation Limited potential for capital appreciation. Higher potential for capital appreciation.
Risk and Volatility Lower risk and volatility compared to common stocks. Higher risk and volatility due to market fluctuations.
Voting Rights Typically no or limited voting rights. Shareholders typically have voting rights, allowing them to influence company decisions.

Considerations for Investors

Investors should weigh numerous factors before investing in these two stocks:

  • Risk Tolerance: Assess your willingness and ability to withstand fluctuations in the value of your investments. Your risk tolerance should align with your financial goals and time horizon.
  • Investment Goals: Clearly define your investment objectives, whether it’s capital appreciation, income generation, or a combination of both. Your goals will drive your investment choices.
  • Diversification: Spreading investments across different asset classes and sectors can help reduce risk. A diversified portfolio is less vulnerable to the poor performance of a single investment.
  • Time Horizon: Consider how long you plan to invest. Longer time horizons may allow for riskier investments, while shorter horizons may necessitate more conservative choices.
  • Liquidity Needs: Ensure you have access to funds for emergencies or planned expenses. Don’t tie up all your assets in investments with low liquidity.
  • Costs and Fees: Be aware of transaction costs, management fees, and taxes associated with your investments. These can significantly impact your returns over time.

Note: One investor’s strategy may not work for another. You can make better investing decisions by carefully examining these factors and matching them with your financial goals.


Common stocks are a foundational element of the financial markets, offering ownership, voting rights, and potential for capital growth to investors. However, they carry more risk and unpredictability, making them appropriate for long-term investors who can handle market changes.

Understanding the differences between common and preferred stocks helps investors match their financial goals with the right investment, creating a well-balanced and diversified portfolio.



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