Capital Gains Tax: How It Works, and Current Rates

  • 06-Nov-2023
  • 2 mins read

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is a fundamental component of India’s taxation system. It impacts individuals and businesses involved in asset transactions.

This tax, levied on the profits earned from the sale of various assets, plays a pivotal role in the country’s revenue generation and economic planning. Understanding how CGT operates, its diverse categories, and the applicable rates is crucial for taxpayers and investors alike.

The following article will explain everything about Capital Gains Tax in India. This includes its types, how it works, and tax management tactics.

What is Capital Gains Tax?

CGT is levied on profits from selling stocks, real estate, or investments. It is computed by deducting the asset’s acquisition price (or “basis”) from its selling price.

Then, this gain is taxed at different rates based on the holding term and income. CGT offers reduced tax rates on long-term capital gains to encourage long-term investments.

It plays a crucial role in government revenue and is an essential component of tax systems in many countries, promoting fiscal fairness and revenue generation.

To grasp capital gains, it’s important to first know what capital assets are.

What are Capital Assets?

Capital assets are long-term assets owned by businesses or individuals. They typically used to generate income or provide services. These assets include:

  • Real estate
  • Machinery
  • Equipment
  • Investments like stocks or bonds.

Capital assets are not intended for immediate sale and are held for an extended period, often years. They are vital for operations, growth, and wealth accumulation, and their value is recorded on financial statements.

Capital assets may depreciate over time, affecting their book value and tax implications. Proper management and accounting of capital assets are essential for financial planning and decision-making.

Different Types of Capital Assets

Based on their holding and use duration, capital assets are divided into two categories:

  • Long-term Capital Assets
  • Short-term Capital Assets

Let’s break down each of these.

1. Long-term Capital Assets

Real estate, machinery, and cars are long-term capital assets that support a business’s activities for years. They are integral to a company’s core functions and not intended for quick resale.

They’re crucial to a company’s revenue and services. Long-term capital assets are essential to the company’s growth and profitability but not for immediate sale.

Their value is often depreciated over time, impacting financial statements and tax obligations, making prudent management and tracking crucial for sound financial planning.

2. Short-term Capital Assets

Short-term capital assets are assets intended for relatively brief ownership, usually less than a year. They are highly liquid and include investments like stocks, bonds, and securities.

These assets are held with the expectation of quick conversion into cash or for achieving short-term financial objectives, such as capitalizing on market fluctuations or meeting immediate financial needs.

Their short holding period distinguishes them from long-term assets, which are held for more extended periods for operational purposes.

Different Types of Capital Gain

Capital gains are categorized into two primary types: short-term capital gains and long-term capital gains. Let’s discuss them.

1. Short Term Capital Gain

Selling assets held for less than a year generates short-term capital gains. They commonly mirror an individual’s applicable income tax rate, which is greater than tax on long-term capital gains.

Depending on the taxpayer’s income and tax band, short-term gains can be taxed heavily. Thus, investors keep assets for more than a year to take advantage of long-term capital gains tax treatment, boosting longer-term investment strategies and financial stability.

2. Long-Term Capital Gain

Long-term capital gains stem from selling assets held for over a year. These gains typically benefit from favourable tax rates, lower than those for short-term gains. These tax rates aim to incentivize long-term investing by reducing the tax burden on individuals who hold assets for an extended period.

The specific long-term capital gains tax rates vary by country and may involve conditions or exemptions.

Understanding these tax rates is essential for investors as they impact the after-tax return on investments and can influence investment strategies and decisions.

How is Capital Gain Calculated?

Selling capital assets like real estate, equities, mutual funds, and others in India incurs capital gains tax. Capital gains are calculated based on asset type, holding time, and tax rates. Indian capital gains are calculated as follows:

STCG = Sale Price – Cost of Acquisition – Cost of Improvement – Brokerage/Commission

For long-term capital gains (LTCG) on assets, different assets are classified based on different holding period and the formula is:

LTCG = Sale Price – Indexed Cost of Acquisition – Indexed Cost of Improvement – Brokerage/Commission

The indexed cost accounts for inflation adjustments over the holding period.

Exemptions and Deductions

Exemptions and deductions in India’s capital gains tax framework play a crucial role in reducing the tax burden on investors and taxpayers.

These provisions, governed by sections like 54, 54EC, and 54F of the Income Tax Act, offer opportunities to shield a portion or the entirety of the capital gains from taxation.

For instance, taxpayers can claim exemptions when they reinvest gains in specified assets like residential property or specified bonds. Additionally, deductions may be available for investments made in certain government savings schemes.

Understanding and effectively utilizing these exemptions and deductions can significantly optimize one’s tax liability when dealing with capital gains.

Capital Gains Tax Rates in India

Type of Tax Condition Applicable Tax
Long-term Capital Gains Tax ●       Sale of Equity shares 10% over and above Rs 1 lakh without indexation benefit
●       Sale of units of equity-oriented mutual fund
●       Others 20% with an indexation benefit
Short-term Capital Gains Tax ●       When Securities Transaction Tax isn’t applicable Normal Tax Slab Rates
●       When STT is applicable 15%

Strategies for Minimizing Capital Gains Tax

Strategies for Minimizing Capital Gains Tax:

1. Hold Assets for the Long Term

Keeping investments for an extended period can be a savvy strategy to minimize capital gains tax. In the Indian tax system, assets held for over a specified time are classified as long-term holdings. These often enjoy lower tax rates than short-term holdings.

By holding onto your investments for the long term, you can benefit from reduced tax liability and potentially maximize your after-tax returns on investment.

2. Utilize Exemptions

In India, capital gains tax exemptions are available under sections 54, 54EC, and 54F of the Income Tax Act. To minimize tax liability, reinvest the capital gains within the specified timeframes into assets like residential property or bonds.

This shields the gains from taxation, effectively reducing the amount subject to capital gains tax and helping you retain a larger portion of your investment returns.

3. Indexation Benefits

In India, indexation adjusts asset purchase prices for inflation when computing capital gains on long-term investments.

Since the adjusted cost base is higher with indexation, the taxable gain is reduced. This results in a lower capital gains tax liability, allowing investors to keep more of their gains while accounting for the eroding effects of inflation over time.

4. Tax-Efficient Investments

Invest in tax-efficient options like Equity-Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS) and tax-saving fixed deposits.

ELSS funds not only offer deductions under Section 80C but also have potential for capital growth. Tax-saving fixed deposits provide tax benefits while ensuring the safety of your principal amount.

These investments help you optimize your returns while minimizing your capital gains tax liability in India.

5. Systematic Transfer Plans (STP)

Systematic Transfer Plans (STP) involve gradually moving your investments from one asset class to another over time.

When dealing with capital gains tax, STPs can be advantageous. By spreading the sale of assets over multiple intervals, you can potentially reduce the tax impact compared to a lump-sum sale.

This strategy allows you to take advantage of exemptions and deductions more effectively while maintaining a disciplined approach to investment management.

6. Invest in Tax-Advantaged Accounts

Tax-efficient investments in India include the Public Provident Fund and National Pension System. These accounts offer tax benefits, including deductions and tax-free growth.

Contributions to PPF are eligible for deductions under Section 80C, while NPS contributions receive deductions under Section 80CCD. By utilizing these accounts, investors can potentially reduce their taxable income and enjoy tax-deferred or tax-free returns on their investments.


Capital gains tax in India is an important aspect of financial planning. It’s a tax you pay when you make money by selling assets like stocks or property. Understanding how it works and the current tax rates is essential. Use exemptions and deductions to reduce taxes.

Remember that tax regulations change, so stay informed. If you’re unsure about your taxes, consult an expert. Planning and knowledge can help you manage your capital gains tax effectively.


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