What is the Short Strangle Option Strategy?

  • 12-Oct-2023
  • 2 mins read
Short Strangle Option Strategy

What is the Short Strangle Option Strategy

In the world of options trading, there’s a clever tactic called the short strangle. It’s a bit different from the usual strategies. Instead of buying options, you sell both call and put options for the same thing you’re trading on, like a stock. The idea here is to make money when the price of that thing stays in a certain range and doesn’t move too much. Experienced traders use this move when they think the market will be calm or not change much. Here, we’ll describe the short strangle, discuss its risks and benefits, and demonstrate how to do it. So, let’s dive in.

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What is a Short Strangle Strategy and How Does it Work?

The short strangle strategy is an advanced options trading technique where an investor simultaneously sells both a call option and a put option on the same underlying stock, with different strike prices, but with the same expiration date. This strategy is used when traders expect minimal price movement or low volatility in the underlying stock. The key concept behind a short strangle is to generate income by collecting premiums from selling these options. The seller profits as long as the underlying stock’s price remains within a specific range – above the put strike price and below the call strike price – until expiration.

This strategy thrives on time decay and a decrease in implied volatility.

Components of a Short Strangle Strategy

Here are the key components of a short strangle option strategy:

1. Profit and Loss from the Strategy

This strategy is profitable when the underlying stock’s price remains within a specific range between the strike prices of the sold call and put options until the options expire. The trader earns a profit equal to the premiums received for selling these options. However, if the underlying stock’s price moves significantly either beyond the call strike price or below the put strike price, potential losses can be substantial. On the call side, these losses can theoretically be unlimited, making risk management a critical aspect of implementing a short strangle strategy.

2. Breakeven

The short strangle option strategy achieves breakeven when, upon expiration, the stock price exceeds the call strike price or falls below the put strike price by an amount equivalent to the total premium received. In this scenario, one option’s intrinsic value equals the premium received from both options, while the other option expires worthless. This strategy thrives in a stable or low-volatility market environment, allowing traders to profit from the decay of time value in options.

3. Time Decay

Time decay, often referred to as theta, is a critical component of the short strangle strategy. As time passes, the extrinsic value of options erodes, particularly for out-of-the-money options. In a short strangle, this erosion works to the advantage of the strategy’s seller, as the goal is to profit from the gradual depreciation of option premiums. Traders benefit as long as the underlying stock’s price remains within the desired range. This allows time decay to erode the value of both the call and put options they’ve sold, ultimately leading to a net gain.

4. Premiums

The Short Strangle strategy aims to profit when the underlying stock’s price remains within the range defined by the call and put strike prices. Maximum profit occurs if the stock’s price stays between these two strikes at the options’ expiration. However, if the stock’s price moves significantly either beyond the call strike price or below the put strike price, potential losses can be substantial and theoretically unlimited on one side. Traders must be cautious and have risk management plans in place to limit potential losses, as extreme price movements can result in substantial financial exposure.

5. Same Expiration Date

In a short strangle strategy, both the sold call and put options have identical expiration dates. This means that both options will expire at the same time, defining the period during which the trader must manage their positions and potentially fulfill their obligations as an option seller. The choice of a common expiration date ensures that the strategy’s risk and potential profit or loss are determined within a specific time frame, which simplifies trade management and risk assessment.

6. Limited Profit Potential

In a short strangle strategy, the profit potential is limited to the premiums received from selling the call and put options. This means that the maximum amount you can earn is the total premium collected upfront, regardless of how much the underlying stock’s price moves. Any significant price movement beyond a certain range could result in losses, but the profit potential remains capped at the premium income. The strategy aims to benefit from time decay and low volatility, making it ideal when you expect minimal price fluctuations in the underlying stock.

When to Use a Short Strangle

A short strangle is a strategy best used when traders anticipate minimal price fluctuations in an underlying stock. This tactic is particularly useful when market conditions are stable, and there’s an expectation that the stock’s price will remain within a defined range. It can be a valuable approach for options traders looking to generate income through the collection of premiums, with the added benefit of flexibility in adjusting the strategy as market dynamics evolve.

Steps to Execute a Short Strangle

To execute a short strangle strategy carefully, follow the steps given below:

1. Select an Underlying Asset

Begin by choosing the financial instrument, such as a stock or Nifty 50 or Nifty Bank ETF, on which to apply the short strangle strategy. Consider your market analysis and outlook for limited price movement within a specified range for the chosen stock. This selection is crucial as it forms the basis for determining strike prices and executing the strategy effectively.

2. Select Strike Prices

Selecting strike prices involves choosing the prices at which you’ll sell the call and put options.

  • For the call option, you pick a strike price above the current market price of the underlying stock, making it an out-of-the-money (OTM) call.
  • On the other hand, for the put option, you select a strike price below the current market price, creating an OTM put.

This choice establishes a trading range within which you anticipate the underlying stock will remain relatively stable. This allows you to collect premiums from both options while aiming to profit from limited price movement within this range.

3. Calculating Potential Profit and Margin Requirements

Calculating potential profit and margin requirements is a critical step when executing a short-strangle strategy. To gauge the profit potential, one must consider the premium received from selling both the call and put options. This premium represents the maximum gain if the underlying stock’s price stays within the chosen range. Simultaneously, understanding margin requirements is crucial, as they dictate the amount of capital reserved to cover potential losses in case the strategy moves unfavorably. Accurate calculation of potential profit and margin ensures traders are well-prepared to manage the risks and capital involved in the short strangle strategy effectively.

4. Setting Up Orders to Execute the Short Strangle

Setting up orders to execute the short strangle is the final step where you actualize the strategy. You’ll create two distinct orders: one for selling the out-of-the-money call option and another for selling the out-of-the-money put option. These orders will detail the quantity of option contracts, the chosen strike prices, and the expiration dates. It’s essential to be precise and review your orders meticulously to ensure they align with your intended strategy and risk tolerance. Once executed, these orders initiate the short strangle, setting in motion the potential profit and risk management dynamics of the strategy.

Tips to Use the Short Strangle

Before initiating a short strangle option strategy, keep these points in mind:

  • Market Neutrality: Short strangles are best for neutral market expectations with limited price action. Ideal during quiet periods between major events.
  • Overvalued Options: Consider a short strangle when you believe options are overpriced, and volatility is expected to decrease. This strategy can profit from a price correction.
  • Short Timeframe: Keep the time to expiration short, ideally around one month, to capitalize on time decay. Longer timeframes may expose you to more risk.

Risks of Using Short Strangle

The short strangle strategy carries significant risks. Since it involves selling both call and put options, the potential for unlimited losses exists if the underlying stock experiences extreme price movement. Margin requirements can be substantial, tying up capital. Additionally, if market volatility increases unexpectedly, it can result in sizable losses. Risk management is crucial when employing this strategy, and traders must closely monitor their positions to prevent adverse outcomes.


The short strangle option strategy is a sophisticated tool in the options trader’s toolkit, offering unique opportunities in specific market conditions. While it can be a profitable strategy when executed correctly, it comes with substantial risks and obligations that demand careful consideration and management. Traders must navigate the complexities of this strategy with expertise, taking into account market volatility and changing conditions. As with any trading strategy, seeking professional guidance and continuously honing one’s skills is key to success when employing the short strangle.

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