What is a Rights Issue?

  • 04-Nov-2023
  • 2 mins read

In the world of the Indian stock market, the concept of a Rights Issue stands as a key mechanism for companies to raise capital and for existing shareholders to further invest in their chosen ventures. Rights Issues play a fundamental role in the financial ecosystem.

It offers a unique opportunity to strengthen corporate financial positions while allowing shareholders to maintain their proportional ownership. This article explores Rights Issues in India, its significance, legal framework, process, and wider consequences for companies and investors.

What Is the Right Issue of Shares?

A Rights Issue of shares is a strategic move by a company to invite its current shareholders to buy more shares at a fixed price.

This mechanism allows the company to secure additional funds, which can be channeled into growth, debt reduction, or other financial needs. It allows existing shareholders to preserve their proportional ownership and potentially capitalize on the company’s future success.

Rights Issues represent a vital aspect of corporate finance and offer a win-win opportunity for both the company and its investors.

Types of Right Issues in India

In India, there are two primary types of Rights Issues:

  • Renounceable Rights Issue
  • Non-Renounceable Rights Issue

Let’s discuss each of them in brief:

1. Renounceable Rights Issue

A renounceable rights issue in India is a method of raising capital by offering existing shareholders the opportunity to purchase additional shares in the company.

What distinguishes it is that shareholders have the flexibility to either subscribe to these new shares or transfer their subscription rights to another party, typically through trading in the secondary market. This tradability of rights is a key feature, providing shareholders with the option to sell their rights if they do not wish to invest more or need the capital for other purposes.

Renounceable rights issues are advantageous as they encourage shareholders to make decisions that align with their financial objectives. This allows them to benefit from the value of their subscription rights.

2. Non-Renounceable Rights Issue

A non-renounceable rights issue is a distinctive method of capital generation employed by companies in India. In this scenario, existing shareholders can buy more firm shares in this circumstance. These non-transferable subscription rights set it distinct.

In other words, shareholders cannot sell or transfer their rights to third parties. They face a straightforward decision: either they subscribe to the new shares or let their rights expire. This approach is favoured by companies when they want to ensure that their current shareholders have the exclusive chance to increase their stake in the business, without the complexity of trading these rights in secondary markets.

While this reduces flexibility for shareholders, it serves the company’s objective of reinforcing its financial resources.

The choice between renounceable and non-renounceable rights issues is made by the issuing company and depends on its specific financial needs and objectives. Renounceable rights issues are more flexible for shareholders, as they can choose to participate or sell their rights, whereas non-renounceable rights issues do not offer this flexibility and require shareholders to either subscribe or forfeit their rights.

Key Features of Rights Issues

Rights Issues exhibit several key features that distinguish them from other methods of raising capital and underline their significance in the Indian financial landscape.

Understanding these features is essential for both companies looking to raise capital and existing shareholders considering their investment options.

Here are the key features of Rights Issues in India:

1. Issuance of Additional Shares

The first key feature of a Rights Issue in India is the issuance of additional shares by a publicly traded company. When a company decides to raise capital through a Rights Issue, it creates and offers new shares to its existing shareholders.

In this process, the corporation generates and sells more shares to increase its share capital. Existing shareholders have the exclusive right to buy these new shares, maintaining or increasing their firm ownership.

This feature distinguishes Rights Issues from other capital-raising methods and reinforces the importance of shareholder participation in the offering.

2. Entitlement to Existing Shareholders

The Entitlement to Existing Shareholders in a Rights Issue signifies that current shareholders of a publicly traded company have the exclusive right to purchase additional shares before the company offers them to external investors.

This privilege ensures that existing shareholders can maintain or increase their ownership percentage in the company. It’s a significant feature, as it rewards loyalty and long-term commitment. This allows shareholders to participate in the company’s growth and capital-raising activities.

3. Subscription Ratio

The subscription ratio in a Rights Issue determines how many new shares an existing shareholder can purchase in relation to their current holdings.

For example, if the subscription ratio is 2:3, it means that for every three shares an investor holds, they can subscribe to two new shares in the Rights Issue.

This ratio is set by the company and reflects its capital needs and strategies, affecting how much an investor can expand their stake while participating in the offering.

4. Issue Price

The issue price plays a critical role in Rights Issues as it determines the cost at which a company’s existing shareholders can acquire additional shares.

Typically, this price is set below the current market price, creating a favourable opportunity for shareholders to expand their holdings.

Regulators often provide guidelines or formulas for calculating the issue price to ensure fairness and transparency. This lower price encourages shareholders to exercise their rights and invest in the company’s growth while maintaining their proportional ownership.

5. Renunciation

Renunciation is a unique feature of Rights Issues that allows existing shareholders to relinquish their rights to subscribe to additional shares.

Shareholders can choose not to participate in the Rights Issue and, instead, sell these rights to other investors. This process facilitates liquidity in the market, as it permits shareholders to monetize their rights, and it also benefits potential investors seeking to acquire additional shares in the issuing company at the predetermined issue price.

So, basically renunciation ensures that the rights do not go to waste and can be leveraged by those who see value in them.

6. Use of Proceeds

The allocation of capital from a Rights Issue is a significant element of the process. It outlines how the funds raised by issuing new shares will be put to use within the company. Companies have the discretion to direct these funds towards various purposes, such as:

  • Reducing debt
  • Funding expansion initiatives
  • Supporting research
  • Development endeavors, strengthening working capital, or driving strategic projects.

This transparency regarding the utilization of proceeds helps shareholders understand the company’s financial strategy and the potential impact on their investment.

7. Regulatory Compliance

There is the importance of adhering to regulatory requirements in Rights Issues within India. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) closely monitors these offerings, ensuring companies’ compliance with established guidelines and the Companies Act, 2013.

SEBI’s oversight guarantees transparency and investor protection, upholding the credibility of the capital market.

This regulatory framework promotes trust among investors, assuring them that the Rights Issue procedure is conducted ethically and in accordance with legal provisions, serving the best interests of companies and shareholders.

Rights Issue Benefits

Rights issues offer several benefits for both the company raising capital and its existing shareholders:

Benefits for the Company

  • Capital Infusion: Companies can raise fresh capital quickly to fund expansion, research, or debt reduction.
  • Lower Financing Costs: Rights Issues typically have lower transaction costs compared to other fundraising methods like IPOs.
  • Retention of Control: Existing shareholders maintain control as they have the first right to subscribe to the new shares.
  • Enhanced Financial Flexibility: Strengthening the balance sheet and improving financial health for future growth.
  • Favourable Market Perception: Successfully executing a Rights Issue can bolster investor confidence and signal financial stability.

Benefits for the Shareholders

Existing shareholders in India can enjoy several benefits when a company opts for a Rights Issue:

  • Discounted Shares: Existing shareholders get the chance to buy new shares at a discounted price, which can be cheaper than buying from the open market.
  • Preserving Ownership: Rights Issues help maintain the proportion of ownership in the company, preventing dilution of their stakes.
  • Choice to Invest: Shareholders have the choice to subscribe to the new shares or transfer their rights to someone else, offering flexibility in investment decisions.
  • Value Appreciation: As the company raises funds and potentially grows, the value of existing shares may increase, benefiting shareholders.

Rights Issue Disadvantages

  • Existing shareholders’ ownership gets diluted as new shares are issued, reducing their stake in the company.
  • Rights issues can lead to a temporary drop in the stock price, causing uncertainty for investors.
  • The process can be complex, with paperwork and eligibility criteria, which may deter small investors.
  • Sometimes, companies set the issue price too high, making it less attractive for shareholders to subscribe.
  • Companies might not receive the expected funds if the issue gets oversubscribed, impacting their capital-raising plans.

Process of Conducting a Rights Issue

The process of conducting a Rights Issue in India involves several crucial steps, each meticulously regulated by the SEBI and the Companies Act, 2013. Below is an overview of the key stages involved:

  • Board Resolution: The company’s board of directors passes a resolution to authorize the Rights Issue.
  • Letter of Offer: The company drafts a Letter of Offer containing details of the issue, rights entitlement, and subscription terms.
  • SEBI Approval: The Letter of Offer is submitted to SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) for approval.
  • Record Date: The company announces a Record Date, determining which shareholders are eligible for the rights.
  • Dispatch of Letter of Offer: The Letter of Offer is sent to eligible shareholders.
  • Opening and Closing of the Issue: The Rights Issue opens for a specified period during which shareholders can apply.
  • Allotment of Shares: After the issue closes, shares are allotted to the subscribers based on their applications and subscription ratio.

This process allows existing shareholders to purchase additional shares of the company at a specified issue price.

Rights Issue vs. Other Methods of Raising Capital

Let’s explore the key distinctions between a Rights Issue and alternative methods used by companies to raise capital in India. It is essential to understand how a Rights Issue compares to other options, as each method comes with its unique advantages and disadvantages.

Comparison with IPO (Initial Public Offering)

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences between these two methods of raising capital:

Aspect Rights Issue IPO (Initial Public Offering)
Ownership Structure Existing shareholders maintain their ownership percentage. New investors, including the public, acquire shares, often leading to dilution of existing shareholders’ ownership.
Regulatory Requirements Generally involves a streamlined regulatory process with fewer formalities. Involves a comprehensive and highly regulated process, which can be time-consuming and costly.
Investor Base Primarily targets existing shareholders, often limited to the company’s current stakeholders. Attracts a broad range of investors, including institutional and retail investors, expanding the investor base.

Comparison with FPO (Follow-on Public Offering)

Here’s a comparison between a Rights Issue and a Follow-on Public Offering (FPO):

Aspect Rights Issue FPO (Follow-on Public Offering)
Timing Can occur at any stage, often before or after an IPO Typically conducted after the company has already gone public
Investor Base Primarily involves existing shareholders Targets a broader investor base, including institutional and retail investors
Dilution Helps maintain the ownership structure for existing shareholders Can result in dilution of ownership, similar to an IPO
Regulatory Process Generally has a more streamlined and quicker regulatory process May involve a more extensive regulatory process, similar to an IPO
Purpose Often used for specific funding needs and to offer existing shareholders a chance to participate Typically used for general capital-raising needs and to attract new investors
Cost and Complexity Usually more cost-effective and less time-consuming Involves extensive processes and expenses, akin to an IPO

How to Apply for Rights Issue

There are two different ways to apply for the rights issue online. Here is how you can apply:

Rights Issue in India using the ASBA/Net Banking process:

  • Log into Your Bank’s Website: If your bank supports online applications for Rights Issues, log in to your net banking account.
  • Find ASBA Services: Look for the ASBA services option in your online account. This is where you’ll apply for the Rights Issue.
  • Select Rights Issue: Within the ASBA services, choose the Rights Issue option. This will display a list of available Rights Issues.
  • Specify Quantity: Enter the number of additional shares you want to buy in the Rights Issue.
  • Accept Terms and Conditions: Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions of the application.
  • Ensure Sufficient Funds: Make sure you have enough funds available in your bank account to cover the cost of the additional shares.
  • Confirm and Review: Confirm the application and review the details to ensure accuracy.
  • Place the Order: Once you’re satisfied, proceed to place the order for the Rights Issue.


The company’s Registrar and Transfer Agent (RTA) will send a form called the Composite Application Form (CAF) to shareholders who can’t apply for the rights issue online. This form will be delivered to your registered address by courier.

To apply for the rights issue using this form, you can go to a Self-Certified Syndicate Bank (SCSB) branch. The form includes information about your check, the date, your depository participant (DP) identification number, your PAN details, and your signature.


To sum up, the rights issue plays a pivotal role in India’s capital market. It stands as a testament to regulatory compliance, facilitating the infusion of fresh capital into companies while affording existing shareholders a chance to expand their stake.

This mechanism benefits all stakeholders, from the companies seeking funds to the investors looking to diversify their portfolio. Recognizing a rights issue is crucial as India’s financial landscape grows, encouraging investors to make informed financial decisions.



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