Bigul.co Disclosures
Bonanza Portfolio Limited along with its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Bonanza”) extends a warm welcome to the users of its website www.bigul.co the objective of this website is to provide you, the convenience of online trading at your own place, as also to provide useful information, according to our best capabilities.
We continuously & consistently endeavour to provide you with the best possible service and in line with that, advise you to read carefully and understand the “Terms & Conditions” as also the limitations of this service (website) prior to making use of any service offered herein.
You can use this website “only & only if” you agree with the conditions mentioned here in totality, therefore any usage of our website, if made for the purpose of any transactions and/or to obtain any information, would signify your acceptance of all terms & conditions mentioned here in entirety, without any variation whatsoever.
Please note that by accessing this website you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions mentioned below.
You acknowledge, agree & confirm that:
- You have all attributes as required under the applicable Laws of India for you to enter into a valid & legally binding contract, including but not limited to your attainment of the age of 18 years, being of a sound mind and not suffering from any legal limitations/debarment.
- You are “the person” registered as our client, and thus the person entitled to access the information and effect transactions through this website.
- The security & developmental concerns necessitate, allow & empower us to alter and/or amend the rights, limitations and obligations contained herein without any specific notice and/or advice to you.
- Bonanza reserves the right to change the terms of service or policies regarding the use of the Website at any time and posting an updated version of the “SERVICE” on this Website shall be construed as sufficient notice to you in this regard. You understand and are responsible for regularly reviewing the “SERVICE”. Continued use of the Website after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.
- The trading system as available through the website is meant for & restricted to authorized user only. Any actual or attempted unauthorized access to this trading system is subject to civil and/or criminal proceeding/penalties & consequences.
- Unless specifically mentioned otherwise the “Terms & Conditions” herein supersede the previous terms & conditions, if any, on the matters specified herein.
- Bonanza has exclusive and sole discretion to accept/reject/deactivate the account of any customers, without assigning any reason what so ever.
- Bonanza also reserves the absolute right and discretion to decide on the criteria for selecting/allowing the customers to use the services offered through its website.
- Bonanza would be entitled to assume that all the information provided by you is true & correct and that you have not concealed anything material in any respect, your indulgence in providing incorrect or incomplete information would be at your own risk, responsibility & legal (civil and criminal) consequences. Bonanza reserves the right to suspend/deactivate your account & transactions in case you provide any incorrect information or fail to comply with any statutory requirement, whether current or future.
- Disclosure of information, made in accordance with the requirements of law, by Bonanza wouldn’t amount to breach of trust and it will be Bonanza’s right to do so.
- Bonanza may at times need to edit, alter and or remove any information or transaction mechanism in whole or in part that may be available on its web site however, Bonanza shall not be held responsible for all or any consequences that may subsequently culminate into any loss, damage and or liability.
- You confirm that your registration with us doesn’t violate any law or its procedures and adherence to all such procedures shall be your sole responsibility
- You agree to protect your Web Access Password from becoming known to any other person, including any representative of Bonanza, as you understand that the same may provide access to your account and enable them to transact through the account and this may result in financial loss to you, for which Bonanza doesn’t accept any responsibility & liability.
- You will not allow or give access to any person to your email account registered with us, as Bonanza would be delivering information as required and meant to be kept confidential, to the said email account and you would be solely responsible for any consequence resulting from your failure to protect the confidentiality of information delivered to your email account.
- You agree, undertake and shall have no objection to the requirement of changing your password as and when required and recommended by Bonanza. Bonanza recommends you to not to reuse any previously used password and also to use a complex alpha-numeric combination as your password, which you agree to do.
- YOU & ONLY YOU” You are authorized to use & access the services offered to you by the website using your User Name and Password and shall not share this information with any other person. It shall be your sole responsibility to ensure that no other person is able to use your website account for any purpose whatsoever.
- You are advised to exercise full caution while entering any transaction or information through the website as you would be completely, solely & invariably responsible for all resultant implications & consequence, financial or otherwise.
- Before using the website for any purpose, you agree to understand the services & information provided by/through the website completely, and shall not plead ignorance of any facility in any matter against Bonanza.
- While efforts have been made to make this Website helpful and accurate, due to the open nature of this Web site, and the potential for errors in the storage and transmission of digital information, Bonanza does not represent or warrant the completeness, authenticity or accuracy of information obtained from this Website, and Bonanza shall not be responsible or liable for any loss consequent to such errors, Further Bonanza doesn’t provide any assurance that the information provided will not violate or infringe any right of third parties.
- Bonanza conducts research at its own cost, with an intention to provide benefit of knowledge gained from such research to its Clients, the information is imparted through various mediums, including but not limited to SMS’s, reports published on the website and emails etc, to name a few, but Bonanza doesn’t guarantee, in any manner that the same will result in beneficial consequences, you are therefore advised to exercise discretion & trust your own instincts as regards the use of information so provided
- The services offered by the website may vary from time to time and are at the sole discretion of Bonanza, further Bonanza reserves the right to amend/withdraw or add any service at its discretion and you shall have no objection to such change.
- The content of the website shouldn’t be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed for any non – personal use without obtaining prior permission from Bonanza. In addition to other legal recourses Bonanza reserves the right to terminate the account of subscribers/customers, who violate such proprietary rights.
- You warrant that you shall not use the Information from any of our sites for any illegal purpose. Further you are aware that it is forbidden to link to any of the Pages/content of Bonanza’s website to your own or another website in any way without Bonanzas express written consent. If you do this we put you on notice that in doing so you are breaching our and our licensors intellectual property rights in the Information and we reserve the right to take action against you to uphold our rights, which may involve pursuing injunctive proceedings.
- Bonanza exercises’ due care to ensure provisioning of a secure environment and smooth functioning, however due to the volatility & vulnerability of internet, Bonanza provides no warranty that the contents of the website and its components are free from viruses or other damaging elements, which have contaminating or destructive properties and therefore doesn’t accept any liability in respect thereof.
- Bonanza does not guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to this website or to any other linked website. You understand that the website may be unavailable for such period of time as required due to technical and/or maintenance reasons or otherwise as decided by Bonanza including during market hours for modification, maintenance activity or any other reason as deemed fit by Bonanza and you shall not hold Bonanza or its affiliates liable in any manner whatsoever for such interruption/unavailability of the website/service.
- Bonanza neither makes any representation or warranty regarding the standing, credit of any person, firm or company mentioned in the information contained in the Web site, nor does it warrant the suitability of the information contained on the Web site for any purpose.
- Use of the services offered by the website is your own risk & responsibility. The data and information provided on the website is not advice, professional or otherwise, and should not be construed upon as such. Neither the information nor any opinion contained in this website constitutes a solicitation or offer by Bonanza to buy or sell any securities, future, options or other financial instruments or provide any investment advice or service. Also, Orders, if accepted during off market hours will be sent to the exchange after the exchange opens on the next trading day. Bonanza does not take any responsibility for any delay in acceptance / execution or non-execution of the order by the Exchange.
- Bonanza shall not be liable or responsible for any resultant loss consequent to unauthorized or illegal, additions, deletions or alterations made by any third party to the Website.
- You shall remain solely liable for the content of any messages or other information you upload or transmit to Bonanza, including the discussion forums or interactive areas of this Web site. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Bonanza from any claim, action, demand, loss, or damages (including attorney’s fees) made or incurred by any third party arising out of or relating to your conduct, your violation of these terms and conditions, or any rights of the third party.
- Bonanza will immediately terminate any account which it believes, in its sole discretion, is transmitting or is otherwise connected with any spam or other unsolicited bulk email.
- The investments discussed or recommended in the market analysis research report etc may not be suitable for all investors. Investors must make their own investment decision based on their specific investment objectives, financial position, risk taking capacity and using such independent advisors as they believe necessary. Information herein is believed to have been obtained from reliable sources but Bonanza does not warrant its completeness, reliability or accuracy. You are advised to pursue the articles and other data in the website only as information and to rely on your own judgment when making investment decisions.
- The services are provided on an “AS IS” basis. Bonanza and its affiliates/ Directors/ Promoters disclaim any warranty of any kind, imputed by the laws of any jurisdiction, whether express or implied, as to any matter whatsoever relating to the service, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non – infringement. Bonanza is not responsible for the content of any of the linked sites. By providing access to other websites, Bonanza is neither recommending nor endorsing the content available in the linked websites.
- The services on the website do not constitute an offer to sell or intended for solicitation of any person in any jurisdiction where it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation. This service is not intended to be any form of an investment advertisement, investment advice or investment information and has not been registered under any securities law of any foreign jurisdiction and is only for the information for personal use of client. The distribution of this service or content in other jurisdictions may be restricted by law and the person who access the service should informed themselves about and observe compliance of the same. By accessing and surfing this website the customers agrees to be bound by the foregoing limitation.
- Bonanza shall not be liable for any consequences if the customer downloads any information or software from this website. Further Bonanza shall not be liable if the customers make a copy, modifies, uploads, downloads, transmits, (re)publishes it or removes or obscures any intellectual property, including trademark, copyright, or other notices or legends contained in any such information or otherwise distributes any service or content from this website. Bonanza shall not bear the responsibility if the customer modifies or uses the content or services he/she gets from this website for any purpose other than those permitted and in doing so violates the intellectual property rights including trademarks, copyrights and other proprietary rights of any person. The trademarks, logos and service marks available on our web site is an invaluable asset of Bonanza and/or its agents, associates, subsidiaries and other parties, who have been authorized by Bonanza to display the same on its web site. In our endeavor to serve and protect your interests and rights, we would appreciate if you could inform us in writing to support@bigul.co giving all necessary details of the violation or infringement of our trademarks, logos and service marks which are either protected by us and or available on our web site. The information thus provided by you would be forwarded to our legal advisors for opinion on all or any legal recourse that can or should be adopted by us in order to protect our intellectual Property rights.
- Bonanza or any of its Directors, employees, associates or other representatives and its Affiliates shall not be liable for damages or injury arising out of or in connection with the use of the website or its non-use including non-availability, compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss or damage to property ( including loss or corruption of data, loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction or interruption of business ; under any contract, negligence, strict liability or other theory arising out of or relating in any products or services and claims of third parties damages or injuries caused by any performance, failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of information, whether resulting in whole or in part, from/or relating to any of the services offered or displayed by Bonanza on this website).
- Bonanza makes no guarantees or representation as to, and shall have no liability for, any electronic content delivered by any third party, including the accuracy, subject matter, quality or timeliness of any electronic content on the website.
- Bonanza shall not be responsible for the contents of any linked site or any content contained in a linked site, or any changes or updates to such sites. The links being provided to the customers are only for information and convenience and the inclusion of any link does not imply any endorsement, recommendation or certification of correctness of the content of linked site by Bonanza. By providing access to other website, Bonanza does not recommend the purchase or sale of the securities issued by it.
- Save as otherwise provided herein, to the maximum extent permissible by law all warranties, conditions or terms other than those expressly set out are excluded, including but not limited to implied and statutory conditions and warranties.
- Bonanza has its e-broking service and it reserves the right to accept the clients for the same. The Service offered by Bonanza envisages a Customer opening an account being provided with a demat and bank account in respect of which the Customer will be required to pay only the account opening charges (hereinafter referred to as the “Offer”). This Offer shall remain valid only for such period as may be determined by Bonanza. Bonanza also reserves the absolute right to decide on the duration of the period during which the Offer shall be available. Bonanza need not and does not and will not undertake to notify the withdrawal of the Offer.
- Bonanza has been incorporated under the laws of India, you will appreciate that we can only abide and follow the laws of this land for entering and/or fulfilling the terms & conditions set out herein. For the sake of jurisdiction, all or any disputes arising out of/or relating to the use of this website, the courts in the city of Mumbai in the state of Maharashtra, shall ONLY have jurisdiction.
- The access and or use by you of our website shall be deemed to be UNAUTHORIZED if the terms and conditions contained herein, in part or in full including this paragraph are not recognized and or not capable of being enforced in the country and or jurisdiction from where you have voluntarily or otherwise accessed and/or used our web site in any manner.
- You understand and agree that no joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship exists between us as a result of this association or on account of use of our web site.
- Bonanza reserves the right to provide and disclose any information as desired by any statutory, law enforcing or regulatory authority, including the information about the transactions effected by you through this website in regular course or otherwise and such an act by us shall not cause the derogation of our right with respect to these terms nor shall it cause other terms to be null and void or be considered violation of any terms and conditions contained herein.
- During the existence and subsistence of these terms, if any part hereof is concluded to be invalid or unenforceable in terms of any applicable Indian law, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the other terms shall continue in effect.
- This disclaimer shall be applicable to any person visiting/accessing the Web site and/or a user entering into an agreement related to availing of the services offered by Bonanza.